I entered the world of food blogging a year ago this month pretty much via the Braille method considering how little I knew about blogging and as I have the attention span of a 2 year old, I’m not the only one surprised I’m still going strong. I researched topics like ‘How to Start a Blog’, but only through experience did I realize how inept my research actually was. In reality, starting a blog is not “easy”, “free” and does not happen in “three steps”. I told myself that it’s not so scary putting your words out into the World Wide Web ~ it IS scary.That being said, it’s well worth the ride, being the coolest gig I could ever imagine. Early posts are positive cringe-worthy ~ that’s not to say the later ones aren’t as well, though I like to think they’re improving. Months before Blog Research 101, I entered a nationwide soup recipe contest sponsored by Zoup! and was among the final 12 chosen(Unstuffed Cabbage Soup). In my mind, this validated that ~yes~ I can cook. But could I blog? I took a leap of faith. What I lacked in expertise, experience, computer and social media literacy and a host of other things I made up for in passion and enthusiasm, but most of all I have the best family support system anyone could ask for.
It’s been said, it takes a village. . .for me, my village was and is my family. From helping me set up this blog, to reviewing and editing my posts, to helping me create a media kit (I thought it was an actual kit that came in a box) , always encouraging, ‘liking’ and ‘sharing’ my Facebook posts and almost literally kicking my butt to get me to attend my first food blog conference. I am so very grateful for and to all of you as well as friends and strangers alike that have read and followed along and continue to follow allowing A Gouda Life to grow.
So Happy First Birthday A Gouda Life ~ cheers to you and all who follow and I hope everyone is inspired this year to start something new in their life that brings them joy. In lieu of cake, I’m celebrating with pizza. . .and wine!
This delicious, easy pizza was created on Stonefire Naan because sometimes I just need a meal that’s easier than easy and Stonefire allows me to get a really good meal on the table with little effort and even less food in the refrigerator. Stonefire Naan bread and Artisan pizza crust is one thing I always try to have in my freezer for ‘food emergencies’ when I’ve put off making that trip to the grocery store because you can top it with almost anything and it’s delicious. Try it yourself:
- Toasted Naan with peanut butter and jam? Yes.
- Baked Artisan pizza crust topped with pesto, sautéed mushrooms and Smoked Gouda cheese? Yes.
- Toasted with Nutella and bananas? Yes.
- Topped with Onion jam, pears and Brie cheese? Yes
- Shrimp? Yes, yes and yes.
I was inspired to make this Soppressata Pizza one day when I was on Facebook (as in every day) and I saw an absolutely drool-worthy photo made with homemade crust, a delicious tomatoey sauce, hand-torn fresh mozzarella and basil and Soppressata! I had never eaten Soppressata on pizza before but it made me think of when we owned a cottage in northern Michigan. One staple around the bon fire (in addition to S’Mores) was salami. We’d fold slices of salami, skewer them on long, sharpened sticks and roast them over a blazing fire. The grease from the salami would drip into the fire causing a sizzle and making sparks fly up.
The result was warm salami with crispy edges bursting with flavor. I knew the baked Soppressata would do the same thing and I loved the rustic look of the torn basil and mozzarella in the inspiration photo. Stonefire products take the work out of homemade crust without compromising the taste.
It’s so simple! Pre-heat the oven. Spread a little store-bought pizza sauce onto the Stonefire Artisan thin-crust, tear up the fresh mozzarella (as much or as little as you like!) and add it to the crust. Do the same with the basil.
Arrange slices of Soppressata on top.
Bake for 8-10 minutes.
I’ll leave you with this:
Happy Birthday/Blog-iversary A Gouda Life! What a year it’s been, cheers to many, many more amazing years on your blogging journey 🙂
Thank you SO much! It really has been quite a year! So happy I can always count on your support!
So very proud of you my friend. I never had a doubt you would be successful! I guess you can teach us…….young at heart dogs new tricks. Congrats and wishing you continued success!
Thank you so much Jodi!! Aging is inevitable. Getting old is not. Looking forward to many more years of friendship and success to us both!
Well written! Very Nice! You Go Girl!
Ha! Thanks Annette!!